Thursday, January 19, 2012

(Post # 2)  1/19/12.  Well, that seemed to work so let's see if I can give a little report of our doings.

This is the first evening that we have been here and have not felt like we had to do our office work in the evening, or were simply too tired to do anything but read.  We've had two good days and feel like there may be a suitable life for us here.

Above is a picture of me and Ron Fletcher at the SLC airport.  Ron said he would come to see us off even though we had to be there at 5:30 a.m., and he did.  What a friend!

I am goofing off while Marlene is checking us in.  I let her wrestle the four 50-pound bags by herself.

Rachael and Andy brought us to the airport.  We left their house a little after 5:00 a.m.  They were so kind to do that for us.

This was Monday, 12/26/2011.


Below I am waiting at the luggage carousel in Moscow.  We have been en route about 20 hours.  We left on a Monday morning and got to Moscow in the early afternoon on their Tuesday.